A Definite GIF guide to Yellowcard The Final World Tour in Asia - The Multi-Hobbyist

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A Definite GIF guide to Yellowcard The Final World Tour in Asia

A Definite GIF guide to Yellowcard The Final World Tour in Asia
A Definite GIF guide to Yellowcard The Final World Tour in Asia

Jacksonville-born, Los Angeles-based band Yellowcard was formed exactly two decades ago this year. Most 00’s kids who’ve gone through an emo phase (or ever watched MTV, really) would recognize at least one of their bright-eyed anthems or mellow, heartrending tracks.

Ever since their major label debut with Ocean Avenue in 2003, Yellowcard toured rigorously over the next few years. Although the band went through a hiatus between 2008 and 2010, it didn’t take long before fans could rejoice in their return, critically-acclaimed When You’re Through Thinking, Say Yes, succeeded by two more records and a we-didn’t-know-we-needed-it acoustic album back-to-back.

However, to fans’ shock and dismay, Yellowcard announced in June 2016 they’re breaking up after a final tour, which, thankfully, Asia gets to be part of. So without further ado, here’s a 10-GIF guide to Yellowcard’s The Final World Your.
