I have always been into movies especially when I was still a fresh grad and unemployed (bum). Blogging about all the movies I have watched (movie marathon) has been my hobby back then. But, ever since I got a job (and it's been more than 2 years now since I had it), I totally forgot about it. It's only late last year when I revamped my blog and decided to bring it to life that I got into blogging about the movies I watch again. However, since I have a job and I'm quite a hard time juggling everything in my life, I wasn't able to maintain this habit of mine.
Now, since I've been making it a point to watch a movie every week, I want to bring back that habit again. To make it simpler, I'm going to be blogging about the movies I watch every week. I'm doing this just for my purest intention of having fun and being able to look at all the things I've been doing and watching in the past, maybe someday.
Let's start with the week of January 1 to 4...
January 1: Interstellar (2014)
Remember when Interstellar was showing in every theater? I do. Because after that, everybody was ranting about how the movie fucked up with their minds. I remember a friend even posting on Facebook that she'd gladly host an Interstellar discussion over coffee/tea/wine. That's how hooked she was. It was actually through her that I got so curious about the fuss that is this movie. I felt like maybe, just maybe, it was an overreaction (because admit it, sometimes, when watching a movie, our emotions get overly attached with what we are watching). When I watched the movie, that's it. I immediately felt the same frustration of having too many questions but not having the answers to every single one of it.
Despite agreeing to watch this, the boyfriend and I never got to watch this movie in the theatre though--we don't know why too. So on New Year's Day, I decided to watch it alone, at the comfort of our home. To finally be able to witness what the fuss really is about.
Just some background here--when I was in grade school, I love Science (until I went on high school and went through Physical Science and Chemistry even in college!) and everything about it--especially the solar system, that's why I really enjoy movies about the solar system. They intrigue me.
This movie though piqued my interest because of how many questions they have posed in the movie. I cannot begin to state every single one of them because I'm telling you, the list is just so many. The biggest question though is when the future got in touch with the past/present.
Regardless of all the questions imposed to the viewers, I love the effects--I actually regretted not watching it on iMax. The movie was good enough on screen, but I think it would be waaaay better when watched in 3D. I also liked how unpredictable the story was, and how this movie makes you remember most of the things you have studied when you were younger about the universe. Made me so nostalgic!
Credit goes to all the owners of the photos here in this post.